A total of 270 vascular plant species were recorded the flora survey at MKV until the date of the report. The area clearly hosts high number of vascular plants, as the results here present the findings of the autumn, winter, and early spring seasons 2018/2019. The diverse habitats at MKV forms supporting environment for the growth of diverse plant species. The valley supports the growth of 55 plant families; most dominantly are Compositae, Papilionaceae, Labiatae, Graminae and Cruciferaceae (see Figure 3.1).

The total number of tree species surveyed at the valley is 16 trees, while the valley encompasses 38 shrubs and sub-shrubs, and 216 herbaceous plant species.

Plant species identified during the plant inventory surveys at Al Makhrour Valley

It includes the list of Species according to its type, status, and uses (GF = Growth Form, Abd 1 = Abundance in Palestine, Abd 2 = Abundance at global level according to IUCN Red List, End = Endemism, CD = Climate Distribution)

  • Ad1 (abundance at local level, according to Checklist and Ecological Database18): CC=Very common species, C=Common species, F=Frequent species, R=somewhat rare species, RP=Rare species with 31-100 surviving sites, RR=Very rare species with only 4-30 surviving sites, C(LD)= Common with limited distribution, CC(LD)= Very common with limited distribution, R(COE)= Rare but common in other ecosystem, NR= Not Registered in the study area before but found during surveys, R(LD)= Rare with limited distribution, F(LD)= Frequent species with limited distribution
  • Abd2 (abundance at global level, according to IUCN RED List19): LC= Least Concern, DD= Data Deficient, VU= Vulnerable – decreasing
  • End= Endemism, EP=Endemic to Palestine, ET=Endemic to Palestine and Turkey, EL=Endemic to Palestine and Lebanon, ES=Endemic to Palestine and Syria, IF= Introduced originating in Africa, IM=Introduced originating in America.
  • CD= Climate Distribution. M= The Mediterranean Zone, T=Transitional zone (between Mediterranean and desert zone), D=Semi-desert, X=extreme desert, O=Montane Mediterranean zone.