Biodiversity Conservation Activities Output 1

Conservation Management Plan   ( )

Restored Habitats  :


  • Three priority habitats at the Valley, their conservation frameworks and restoration schemes are identified and designed with their assessments and monitoring data sets.
  • Selected the three key habitats based on analysis and main findings of both documents; the Biodiversity Conservation Plan for WHP (BCP) and Plant Biodiversity Inventory for WHP. The selection of the habitats will be initially drafted after identifying set of measures and values of relevance for habitat selection.
  • Formulated one committee for restoration actions from key stakeholders from local communities, EQA, MoA, MoTA and others as found appropriate (40% females). The three selected habitats for restoration and the reasons behind their selection By Mrs. Roubina Ghattas Pioneer Consultancy Centre for Sustainable Development will be presented to the committee for their consultation and feedback. The best methods for restoration will also be discussed and consulted with the committee.
  • Conducted 2 field visits to facilitate the selection of the three habitats and to specify best interventions for restoration and for selection of native plant species to be cultivated on site. This including a plan for cultivation procedure. The visits will also reveal the land ownership of selected habitats.
  • Conducted a visit to MoA- Bethlehem Directorate to inform them about the restoration works we are willing to conduct and ask for their support with the appropriate seedlings.
  • Additional consultation with MoA nurseries in the West Bank were done to ensure providing appropriate seedlings to be cultivated on site.
  • Conducted a visit to both Beit Jala and Battir municipality to consult on land ownership for the 3 dunums that will be restored and hence to set for us communication with land owners, and conduct another visit to the land owners to get their approval on restoration schemes. Then, share results with formulated committee.
  • Up to 3 dunums restored, the method for restoration will be decided based on the type of pressures and threats affecting the sites, as mentioned in the project document. But as the Valley’s main ownership is private, the best restoration method (also mentioned in the project document) is typically via planting native species to enrich the site with vegetation cover and ecological functions. The cultivated plants will be irrigated directly upon cultivation. Labour will be employed for cultivation of the 3 dunums. Each seedling will be protected with Plastic sheets and a support stick. The seedlings will be collected from MoA for free and water will be purchased from nearest point where water is available.
  • Conducted 2 follow up visit to the restored lands to make sure that the seedlings are growing well (during Mid-March and late-April 2020).